
2016-03-14 来源:naturalnews 作者: 浏览次数:105   收藏

A 2011 study showed that more American’s are seeking out alternative medicine.  The study showed that this number increased by 18.1 percent among whites, 17.2 percent among Asians, 6.6 percent among blacks and 1 percent among Hispanics.(1)

Chinese Medicine has been rejected by the Western world for decades.  It’s not because there is no scientific evidence or clinical research being done, but it appears that money is the major motivator behind this mindset.(2)

Large scale research review reveals Chinese Medicine is effective at treating cancer, relieving cancer symptoms and improving quality of life!

A large scale research review from Australia and Chinese Universities reviewed 2,964 clinical human studies that involved 253,434 cancer patients.  These patients were treated with Chinese herbal medicine and received treatment for lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer.(2)

Ninety percent of the reviewed studies utilized herbal medicine.  It was found that 72 percent of these studies used Chinese Medicine alongside conventional treatment and 28 percent use Chinese Medicine separately to experimental groups. (2)

The review found that in 1,015 studies, that 85 percent reported improvement in cancer symptoms related to Chinese Medicine.  In 883 studies, 70 percent showed increased survival rates, 38 percent showed reduced tumor size and 28 percent showed an increased quality of life. (2)

Another large review found 1,217 clinical studies performed between 1958 and 2011 that involved 92,945 patients.  Among these studies, 66 percent of the patient were treated with Chinese Medicine and 34 percent were given a combination of Chinese Medicine and conventional treatment and 82 percent were given herbal medicine orally.  The study found that those who received Chinese Medicine showed an increased survival rate in 73 percent of the patients.  Ninety-two percent of the patient reported relief in cancer symptoms. (2)

Chinese herb purges tumors from the body in 40 days!

A 2012 study reported shocking results using an herb called thunder god vine.  The herb caused tumors to be purged from the body without chemotherapy or intense interventions in 40 days!  The herb also hindered the growth of pancreatic, colorectal, and ovarian cancer.(3)

The thunder god vine is a perennial plant with small, white flowers.  Extracts are made from the skinned root of the vine as the leaves, flowers and skin of the root are poisonous if eaten.   The University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center found that the extracts of the plan was effective in halting the growth of all 60 cancer cell lines that were tested and in some cases the cell lines completed died. (3)

If you are considering alternative medicine, don’t write off Traditional Chinese Medicine, complete your own research and speak to a qualified naturopath in order to assess safety and options.

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